September 2024
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    I am reading the HP series for the millionth time of my 30-year life, and I realize what I love and savor of each book is not so much the overarching plot (although I love that too), but the in-between bits that show life in the world JKR built.

    Like Harry getting his wand from Olivanders. Or the Death Day party at Hogwarts. Doing homework by the fire. Everything about the Burrow (my dream home).

    It got me thinking; are there any books that still have that magical and aspirational world building but with lower stakes? Like Kiki’s delivery service for example, or the Harry Potter slice of life fan fiction by Floreat Castellum.

    by Interesting-Proof244


    1. TarikeNimeshab on

      Unfortunately, I haven’t come acoss anything that really does the slice of life thing as good as Harry Potter, and I’ve read a lot of fantasy. Honestly I think one of the biggest reasons HP series was so popular was because of this excellent balance of action and slice of life.

      That said, maybe give **Mother of Learning** a try? It’s not as wholesome as HP, but it has its slice of life. It’s mostly about studying magic and such, but I thought it was nice.

    2. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K Le Guin.
      Not exactly slice of life but I found it to be a good comfort read.

    3. Slice of Life and not so much the plot is what I’m getting out of your post. The examples that you mentioned don’t have anything serious plot action.

      You might enjoy Dune. Though I found it to be more like random ramblings and couldn’t take it. But it sounds like it’s going to be right up your alley.

    4. Normal-Height-8577 on

      Celia Lake’s Albion books have a lot of day-to-day slice of life feel. They’re rarely direct sequels or series, but do fall into loose groupings, so try starting with one of the prequel group – Pastiche, Sailor’s Jewel, or Four Walls & a Heart – and see what you think.

    5. Perhaps you’d enjoy the Elemental Blessings series by Sharon Shinn. It’s not specifically written as a slice of life and there are things happening, but I found the descriptions of the main hero’s day to day like (like helping out at a store in book 1) nice to read. These books can be read out of order as they have different main characters.

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