September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Okay guys, let’s be honest. How many books do you have waiting on you?

    Personally, I love buying second hand books. Not only is it more efficient and cheaper, you never know what you are going to run into. I do however buy these books faster than I could possibly read. I just checked my shelf and I have 53 books on my to do list. Although I aim to drastically reduce this amount, I do like the wave of anticipation that hits me when I am close to the end of my current one, figuring out which one I am going to read next.

    by koningbaas


    1. Mine is too big, I’m taking this year to clear it out. No getting new books until I finish all that I have,

    2. A few years ago, after being burned one too many times by a book that I hated, I decided to read mostly from the library. I prioritized my physical TBR and am currently at 2 unread books. I still buy books, but only if I truly loved it.

    3. About 20 physically on my shelf. So 5 or 6 months’ worth.

      Another 130 on the list.

      I also love second hand book shopping – often find a gem in any one of my local shops that either was on my list or that of never heard of but looked great.

    4. itsshakespeare on

      I’ve read 5 this year off the pile of books and I’m currently reading one novel, one book of essays and one book of short stories. I have a further 58 books to read on the side. I have lists of books I want to read. I feel this is probably standard, isn’t it? I hope so, anyway

    5. 3, just because got a few as gifts for Christmas while already sitting on a stack from the library.  I’ve worked that down in January already.

      I rarely have more than 5 in queue

    6. Comprehensive-Fun47 on

      I’ve got a few hundred books on a wish list and it’s not even comprehensive. I add to it all the time and pick books that I never put on the list to begin with.

      There’s simply not enough time to read every book I’d like to read! Kind of sad to think about.

      But I prefer to think of it as I’ll never run out of reading material. I have no desire to speed read through my list. I’ll just continue to read at a comfortable pace and even if the list never diminishes, that’s ok.

      I’m talking a digital list though. If I had 300 books to be read on my bookshelf, that would make me feel overwhelmed. I would stop acquiring new books and just jot down the ones you’re interested to buy later.

    7. MrsLucienLachance on

      I don’t wanna talk about it.

      …digital TBR is sitting at 1874, and that doesn’t include my danmei or “reading in Japanese” lists.

    8. About the same as OP, mostly from those little free libraries. There are at least three or four I walk by weekly, bringing one or two and only taking one if looks really interesting. But the stocks keep piling up anyway. Friends bringing their read ones, too. Reading three to five books a week. But frankly I don’t remember anything after having finished most of them. Did you read this one? Don’t know, have to look into the first give pages. (regular conversation between my lil sis and me, she is the same)

    9. I just checked and I’ve got over 600 books digitally and physically in Ireland (where I reside now) that I own that need to be read.

      This does not count books I own physically that currently reside in a storage unit in the United States where I moved from. I’ve read a lot of those…but it’s still a lot of books.

      I try very hard not to buy more but…it’s really tough. I also borrow from the library and participate in multiple book clubs so the list really just keeps growing. My TBR on StoryGraph (which contains books I own) is over 1450. Sigh.

    10. I love collecting books as much as I do reading them. I maintain roughly a ratio of 1 book read for every 2-3 I own. I am not likely to ever actually be able to read my entire collection.

      Current stats are 192 read and 285 waiting to be read. I will not stop wandering into bookstores and buying a mix of second hand and nice collectors editions. I think books are equally pleasant to look at as they are to read, so I enjoy surrounding myself with a physical representation of stuff I’m interested in.

      I am also out of shelf space, so new book cases are on my future.

    11. There’s probably 30 or so on my shelf waiting in line. I recently decided to stop buying books until I’ve read all of the ones already on my shelf.

    12. smalltownlargefry on

      I’d say there’s twenty just waiting? I’m limiting myself to buying one new book a month so that list doesn’t grow.

    13. There’s a thrift book market in my city next week… I already know where this will be going..

    14. leeinflowerfields on

      300+ books! It’s an eternal TBR 😂 considering I only read 30 or so books last year, it’s going to take ages if I don’t start reading more!

    15. Mine is huge but it’s mainly my goodreads want to read list, and a tag I made on Libby for books I want to read. So not physical books I’ve purchased making me feel guilty.

      Almost everything I read nowadays is from my local library on Libby.

    16. Zero. I don’t keep a backlog at all. When I find a book I want to read, I read it. If I’m not looking for something to read, I don’t look at books.

      I used too, and I ended up spending more time looking for, organizing and shopping for books than I spent reading. It just got overwhelming and not fun.

    17. I might have a thousand books in my collection I haven’t read yet, but plan on doing. But I’m getting more selective in what I buy.

    18. I moved a few years ago and got rid of a lot of books that I had read and decided I wouldn’t read again. I only kept favorites. I also stepped up my use of the library for books I probably wouldn’t want to keep. If I really like something, I will track down a copy for my shelves.

      That said, I have 350+ books on my Goodreads want to read list. I probably have 10 physical books on my shelves that are on my to-read list, and half of those were passed to me by my sister (another avid reader trying to reduce the number of books she keeps after reading them.

    19. Professional_Dr_77 on

      I am up to two book cases of unread stuff. Currently. I’m making a run to the city next month and am stopping at my favorite used book store. I plan on going crazy like a kid in a candy store so….yeah.

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