October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    this has a bit of a spoiler but it’s really not everything that happens

    I really love it but I forgot the names of the characters cuz it’s been so long since I read. When I had the book around 2010 it was not even fully finished but I can remember a lot of the plot. Please help cuz everytime I look for it I just keep getting test books lol

    Basically is in a society where your test scores determine your worth, what job you get, how you get treated. They will take tests constantly and arrange all the students to be in order of who got the best score every time they took one

    There are two main characters, an Indian teenage dude who has gone through a lot. I think is around 16-18. Goes to a shoddy hotel every day for work to scrounge up something while the owner has him do all the hard n gross jobs for low pay. I think the guy is in orphan. The hotel manager is a creep that sucks

    There’s a girl in the same class as the guy who’s just trying to make her parents proud and she does pretty solid on these tests. She notices the guy who has to work at the hotel and ends up helping him study. And he ends up doing pretty well it was very wholesome seeing them get along. They actually end up falling in love

    Then there’s a beefy guy w blonde hair that motorcycles and does dirty work for cooperations yanno beat n kill for his boss and all. All three of their lives ends up going for a wild ride with everything going on

    I also remember a teacher in the novel mentioning a book about the whole society in it having everyone living in cubicles that we’re all connected to each other, that had anything they wanted, but no one talked to each other. I think it started to fail while one main person escapes and they go into the implications of society depending too heavily on computers/being a society that doesn’t try to communicate anymore. It was so interesting.

    I think maybe if I find names of characters to attach to this it’d be easier to find I read this years ago and I just wanna get it so I don’t forget again

    by xryxiiix

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