September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I Loved salt to the sea and Emilia was my 100% favorite character! I would love to hear some salt to the sea fan theories!

    SPOILER ALERT! As a refresher, it ends with Emilia being in heaven, with her parents, brother, best friends, and an imagined version of Halinka. (Her daughter) Joana and Florian, now married, recieved a letter from a woman named Clara who found Emilia’s body. It was 24 years later. She died on a raft which washed up on Clara’s property. They buried her in their rose garden and told Joana and Florian she was cared for. Halinka went on the lifeboat with Florian and Joana, because Emilia couldn’t run fast enough. Halinka gets adopted along with Klaus/wondering boy when thy get saved.

    my headcanon: Joana and Florian take Klaus and Halinka (whom they adopted) to Clara’s property and let Halinka meet her mother. Klaus made a memorial for Heinz/Shoe Poet. (He tried to jump into the lifeboat to be with Klaus. He missed and since he gave Florian his life jacket, died.) Joana makes a memorial for Ingrid. (Blind girl who died falling through the ice.) They all made wreaths for Emilia with roses, poppies and Lillies, like the wreath Emilia made. In Emilia’s perspective, (in her heaven) she sees a vague, blurry image of her friends, and smiles and waves. ❤️❤️❤️❣️🌸❣️

    by Elegant-Fox-5226

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