September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know this sounds really superficial in many ways, but I do think “don’t judge a book by its cover” is also not correct always either. It’s the first thing you see! It’s what’s selling the book to you!

    The genre I’ve written off for the longest time because of boring, bland, samey uninspired covers are Thrillers. THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME. Helvetica font (of title and author), with a photo of some kind. I find this genre in particular has just settled into this particular look. It doesn’t sell the books to me at all when I cannot even differentiate between author to author (think about your John Grisham’s, Ian Rankin’s, your Karin Slaughters for example) . It tells me nothing about the stories contained either.


    by mikeybhoy_1985

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