September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So we’re finishing up reading Catcher in the Rye, and usually I don’t care much for the books that we’re assigned to read, but like, wow. It’s such an amazing book, and Holden is a comfort character for me mainly because I can relate to him so much (and don’t worry I’m not gonna shoot some celebrity or something). Not just with the being depressed or like judging other people a lot, but also because he does things like making himself seem different than he actually is. Sure maybe that’s cringe but it is something that I myself like to do often. Especially with how he does it to strangers. He tells them different life stories than what’s actually true, builds himself up to be a different person, etc. Venting a lot to people and then getting annoyed or snapping because no one understands you. Having younger siblings that you have to explain the world to. I feel like this book predicted teenagers of the 2020s.

    by Winepuffs


    1. It’s not that cringe. People are just ashamed to admit that they too felt the same way, but now they feel different and you had to read X philosopher to REALLY understand life. When in reality, they’re just as phony as the rest.

    2. ThePerpetualLurker on

      The reason the book is a classic is because countless teenagers or former teenagers have felt the same as you about Holden, including me. Not cringe! 

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