September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone,

    As per the title, I’m finding myself lost in a labyrinth of terminologies and practices pertaining to modern-day authentication technologies. I understand that the language of security, cryptography, and authentication is baked in a plethora of acronyms and terminologies like JWT (JSON Web Tokens), private/public key pairs, password hashing, tokens, and so on. However, I feel a disconnect in comprehending the individual roles these components play and how they interlock to shape the complex structure of modern digital security.

    I believe that to fully understand these terms and procedures, I must dig deeper into their roots and the evolutionary path they followed. Hence, I’m reaching out to you in the hope of recommendations for comprehensive books on the subject. Is there any detailed, well-articulated literature covering the full history and evolution of cryptography and its intrinsic link to authentication procedures? A material that narrates technical developments chronologically would be of great help.

    So, please, show me with your recommendations! A corner-to-corner account of the development in cryptographic land, tracing its growth from rudimentary ciphers to present-day complexities, would be much appreciated.

    Of course, a book that focuses on the real-world applications of these cryptographic measures would be a nice bonus. I want to not only learn about the evolution of encryptions, keys, passwords, and tokens but also about their application in framing secure passages in our digital world. A holistic understanding of the present cryptographic scene is what I’m aiming for.

    Your help in finding the best historical account blended with an ample technical perspective regarding cryptography in authentication will be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to consider my request!

    by Formal-Move4430

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