September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As the title says, im looking for a book recommendation as I am at the lowest point in my life. I’m not sure what exactly im looking for. I’m not looking for something to cheer me up, maybe just something to connect to. I have ordered 2 books, 1. A man’s search for meaning and 2. Catcher in the rye, having read the latter before.

    I’m sorry for the lack of information, I’m not sure what I want. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!

    by Formal-Gur1650


    1. Complex_Human_ on

      Something that helped me a lot was:
      Maybe you should talk to someone – Lori Gottlieb

    2. >1. A man’s search for meaning

      By Viktor Frankl?

      That’s what I came here to suggest. It really helped me reshape my perspective and feel more satisfied with my mediocre life situation

    3. When I was in a low period, I voraciously consumed anything and everything by Brené Brown. It really helped. “Rising Strong” is a fantastic one.

    4. Dog_is_my_co-pilot1 on

      Low points are shitty. Eventually, you’ll be able to contrast and compare and realize you’ve grown, somehow, through it all.

      I don’t mean to sound trite, I’m speaking from having very low points the last few years. It’s tough to work through, but you can.

      If you’d like an easy read that’ll make you giggle, but it’s not outrageous comedy, Bill Bryson is nice or Chuck Klosterman as merely entertainment, which can be helpful I think.

      Best wishes to you.

    5. WalkingDownTheLane on

      Not groundbreaking or life changing, but House on the Cereulean Sea was like a gentle hug for me while I was going through a really tough time last spring. It didn’t cheer me up or change my worldview. But it felt like it was there for me and got me out of a reading slump.

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