September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I decided this year to try and read a book a week, so I set my goals up and then started checking out and putting a lot of books on hold through Libby. So far I’ve read 5 a week by mostly cutting out Reddit, YouTube, and Netflix, and I’m enjoying the time time spent reading a lot more than scrolling Reddit or watching random videos as well.

    According to StoryGraph I’ve read 2,874 pages over the 10 books, and it’s also making me want to read more because of all the charts and stat keeping it does.

    My main problem now is that most books I’m wanting to read are 2+ month wait lists at my library.

    by HateToWin


    1. I guess good for you? If you are enjoying it, more power to you. I have never seen the point of setting reading goals or tracking how many books/pages I have read. If I am reading for entertainment, I do not need anyone telling me if I am being entertained enough.

    2. That’s great! I definitely feel a sense of accomplishment finishing a book that I don’t get from Reddit, YouTube, or Netflix.

      That said, I’ve learned a lot on Reddit by being selective about my subreddits. And I enjoy discussing the books I’ve read on Reddit.

      I would love to learn what you think of the ten books you read, even if it’s just a couple of sentences about each.

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