September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I’m about halfway through educated and I’m not understanding how her brother Shawn is all of a sudden so abusive and destructive. They are siblings, They’ve lived in the house together before he left, so there was no mention of him behaving this way at all. Or was he like this and she just never knew about it? I have read a lot of mixture reviews about this book on Reddit a lot of people, claiming that they don’t believe her take on her story and for me this part of the story is confusing to me because she never alluded to being afraid of any of her siblings ever and now all of a sudden this one sibling is making her life hell. Can someone please elaborate? I do not mind spoilers at all because I am going to finish it no matter what. I would just like some clarity regarding her brother’s behavior, because I feel like I really missed something.

    by themaliciousreader

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