September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I picked it up because everyone seemed to praise how twisted and gruesome it is, but so far I’ve been bored to death. Don’t get me wrong, I think the writing is good, just not my genre. I expected some Stephen King style. I am currently at 2 and a half hours of a 10 hours audiobook, so roughly at 1/4 of the book. The part where Laurel is organizing the get together with her kids, ex husband, Floyd, etc. Does this ever get more suspenseful, or creepy? Or the whole thing is just peaceful, happy, domesticated life, with what really happened to Ellie thrown in at some point? And will the nsfw scenes keep coming? They make me so uncomfortable, they feel unnecessary. Can anyone who read the book give me some advice about whether I should continue or not? Also if you know any book that might be more my cup of tea, recommendations are much appreciated.

    by Meh040515

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