September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Ok so in 2023 one of my goals was try authors from different countries, a friend recommended me that book and I decided to give it a try. The first pages didn’t catch me, but suddenly I got really involved with the story and I couldn’t focus on anything else until I finished the book. I loved the main character, I think that even if her personality can be “annoying” at some moments, because we would like her to do differently, it’s just very real and relatable, specially because she grew up being constantly oppressed. It was so interesting to see how religion and colonialism can affect individuals. Anyways, it was one of the best of 2023 in my opinion, but the only other person that I know that decided to read it too, didn’t like it, so maybe we could discuss about it a bit and share our thoughts 🙂

    by firestar1417

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