My significant other and I are in search of a good book to read together. Something cerebral and fun to talk over together would be the ideal recommendation. Something that is thought provoking and appeals to both a man and a woman. Not looking for romance or anything of that sort. It can be fiction or non-fiction as we both enjoy either genre. Has anyone read a good book group book that led to great conversation? She will read just about anything, but I am a bit pickier and want something that someone recommends with enthusiasm.
This group is great and I look forward to hearing what you come up with.
by AccordingAd7953
I’ve recommended this before for couples, my wife & I both love
A Brothers Price by Wen Spencer.
In a world where males are rarely born, they’ve become a commodity–traded and sold like property. Jerin Whistler has come of age for marriage and his handsome features have come to the attention of the royal princesses. But such attentions can be dangerous–especially as Jerin uncovers the dark mysteries the royal family is hiding.
I recommend Cloud Cuckoo Land.
It may sound like an odd recommendation, but my book group recently had a great time with The Island of Dr Moreau. A very quick read, impossible to put down, but there was *so much* to say about it at the end— and different people got very different things from the book, which made it a fun and interesting conversation.