September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! So in English class, we have the option of choosing from over 10 books for a 6-week project in which we read one and do an assignment at the end based on them. Deadline for reading is end of February, day of assignment (which is a Socratic seminar) is the day after. The options that I’m considering (excluded books I know for certain won’t pick) include:

    Fahrenheit 451
    The Road by Cormac McCarthy
    Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
    Station Eleven
    2001: a space odyssey
    The Stand by Stephen King
    Ready player one
    Hunger games
    Ender’s game

    About my taste:

    I’ve read the hunger games once (first book twice, never read the prequel) and loved it, but I’d have to take notes and have other commitments (not an awfully big of a deal), but my friends who I want to do this with (we pick groups based on who chooses the same book) aren’t very interested (one really wants ready player one, and the others (including me, though I wouldn’t pick it if it was just me) aren’t opposed to it).

    I like ender’s game’s plot/synopsis, but the reviews I’ve read make me hesitate.

    Ready player one isn’t that interesting to me, and I would not understand any of the references, but it’s lighthearted (I’ve heard) and lots of people were recommending it, and I would like something shorter.

    One of my top favorite book series is Harry Potter. The Hunger Games is next, and I liked Percy Jackson but dropped it at the 3rd book because I didn’t want to read about Annabeth being hurt or dying, and when I skipped to the end (my reasoning was it’s better to spoil it and read it than not read it) found it too gloomy and uncertain to pick it back up.

    A trilogy I read and semi-enjoyed that’s similar to the concept of these books (was disturbed several times) is Arena One, 2, and 3 by Morgan Rice


    I’m a slow reader (if I read fast, I end up skipping or forgetting lots of parts) and am in 9th grade. Some of my other commitments include reading, AP classes, volunteering, and sports.


    I’d prefer a book that isn’t too long or takes too much dedication to read. For that reason, I’m leaning away from Stephen King’s book despite being intrigued by the synopsis. I want an interesting plot, where I can’t put the book down, so if any of these are that kind, please let me know! If I can’t decide by the end, I’ll just do hunger games, but I’d like all your opinions! Thank you!

    by ilikebooksandcakes

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