September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Whenever I really enjoyed a book I’d always search for someone to give it to so they could enjoy it too but I’m starting to become the opposite way. After I finish a great book I want to keep it to myself forever. It’s just too disappointing to hope someone will read something and then realize they never will… what about you guys? Do you like to give your books away? Why or why not?

    by TriangleDreamers


    1. I don’t give my books away, no. They are the only things I collect. But I lend them freely.

    2. BernardFerguson1944 on

      If I imagine someone might like a book, I gift them the book, but I keep the one I read.

    3. If I like them, I keep them. I’m collecting a shelf of conquests.

      I get the majority of my books thrifting, and I’m always on the lookout for hardcovers or early editions of books I already have/love. If I find a nicer copy of a book I already have, I donate the old one.

    4. breadboxofbats on

      I give books away often. Either to friends or the local libraries. I only keep the books I really love

    5. Bibliophile1998 on

      I keep my favorites, and give away others, sell them, or donate them. I’m trying to be discerning with what I keep, so even if there are books that I really, really enjoyed, but I know I can easily access them from my library, I will still find a new home for them.

    6. I’m a dragon and my hoard is my collection of books. I didn’t have much growing up so (probably as part of being maladjusted) that I can’t bear to part with them.

    7. Every time I see a used copy of a favorite book I buy it, that way I can always be giving extras to friends.

    8. I actually give away the books I don’t liked, maybe they’ll have a better chance with someone else

    9. Fine_Bumblebee_7738 on

      I only give them away if I intend to buy a better copy for myself. Books are precious and I think home libraries need to become a thing again.

    10. favouriteghost on

      I realised like 10% of my books weren’t really my taste (mostly they’d been gifts I’d just had for a long time) so I sorted them out and took them to the tiny library in my neighbourhood. I love collecting books but I want each one to be a book I love

    11. Never give books away. I did throw away some really lame books, one is a weird conspiracy about another book, another one is a gift form my MIL, it’s a book about how to be the perfect wife and mom 🤡

    12. darkroomdweller on

      I used to cling to everything I’ve ever owned (still mostly do) but I’ve started to offload books lately. They take up a lot of space and a good portion of them I’ll never read again. I keep the special ones. I even hesitate to buy new books anymore. The library has been serving me well.

    13. Introvertedand on

      In 99% of cases I give then away. Books don’t last well in my climate and books get stinky after a while

    14. Turquoise_Virgo on

      Books I love and may reread, I keep. Otherwise I bring them to Half Price Books so I can restock my TBR pile!

    15. Heavy_Direction1547 on

      I have given away hundreds and still have hundreds; physical space to keep them is the issue. I inevitably regret some of my choices later and would love to have them all back if I had somewhere to put them.

    16. Every now and then I look to go through my books and see which ones I’d like to keep or give away. At my university’s library, there’s a book shelf where you can keep the books and put ones on there to give away. It’s fun. Whenever I put a book or two on the shelf, I like to come back the next day or so to see if someone took them. I hope they enjoy the books more than I did.

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