October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    No one ever believes me when I warn them but seriously… spoilers. KKC spoilers. Don’t read if you don’t want spoilers, and don’t get mad at me if you read anyway because you didn’t believe me.

    So I’ve spent a lot of time the past year trying to untangle Kingkiller. Started as a hobby, I really dig the patterns, Pat’s OCD, etc. Brought me a lot of joy tbh. Nice trip through mythology and folklore.

    That said, I know the KKC books like the back of my hand so I apologize in advance for the brevity of this next part.

    Jax and the Tinker, Teccam, the old man in the cave just before Jax captures Ludis. It’s all a reference to Plato’s allegory of the cave and the three higher higher levels of reason, specifically that third bag Jax receives from the Tinker. Plato’s theory of Forms.

    >Plato emphasizes that the Forms are not beings that extend in space (or time), but subsist apart from any physical space whatsoever. Thus we read in the Symposium of the Form of Beauty: “It is not anywhere in another thing, as in an animal, or in earth, or in heaven, or in anything else, but itself by itself with itself,”

    So Jax goes through the whole cave allegory with his spectacles, walks out of the cave and viola, he sees “the Form of Beauty”, Ludis, “itself by itself with itself” aka Felurian WMF Ch 96 “The Fire Itself”.

    The rest of this is really, *really* familiar.

    You’ve got White Cinder as “Menda” and his coal-black eyes, aka an Adem boy who never smiled named Jax. “Menda who was Tehlu who was him”, who told everyone to repent and cross to him.

    In other words, a Penitent King.

    But Felurian isn’t *only* the Form of Beauty, theory of Forms is about the “essence” of things. She is the Flame, the Thunder, and the Broken Tree. A manic (denner resin) pixie “dark scythe” Draccus.

    But it also means that Felurian and Ferule are “secretly” related. A Lady of Twilight, and a Prince of Twilight.

    Jax couldn’t let Ludis go, so he “trapped” her inside the First Silence. Felurian / Encanis starts to burn it all down, wild laughter. (Get it? the moon is in Canis)

    Lanre’s wife died but he couldn’t let her go, the Second Silence. Again, cities burn.

    Now the Third Silence is Kvothe’s because he can’t let Denna go.

    Kvothe is using Devan Lochees to write down the ‘Name of God’ in order to create a golem of Denna, the same way Jax and Lanre did. They created Maedre, Flame Thunder and Broken Tree. Mother. Fae-Laurian. Gaea figure. “She who is Death to men”. They couldn’t let her “return to her home in the sky”. There’s a whole Edema / Oedipal thing there as well that’s actually very clever.

    But my point is, the secret snow prince Cinder ends up a Penitent King, and the Maedre Queen dragon lady brings the Twilight of the Gods and burns everything down.

    Sounds familiar right?

    Remember how GoT ended?

    Jon Snow?

    Queen Daenerys?

    Rothfuss is the *King* of putting other people’s stories in his own words. The definition of silver tongued.

    Rothfuss can’t finish writing his story until GRRM finishes GoT first.


    Also, the only reason I posted here instead of on the Fantasy subreddit is because all the fantasy mods with [Worldbuilders](https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/900618018) flairs hate me because I made [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Smurphilicious/comments/14ou866/the_kingkiller_chronicles_charity_fraud/).

    by Smurphilicious


    1. TheBluestBerries on

      GRRM isn’t finishing anything. And he shouldn’t. The man should spend his time enjoying his final years instead of pandering to his entitled fans.

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