September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is my first Camus read. Trying to work my way through classics and this one was an easy read, yet i feel like I’ll be pondering it for a while.

    Meursault is the main character. The book begins with the passing of his mother, which he seems pretty indifferent about. In fact he is pretty indifferent about most things. He ends up murdering a man, and seems indifferent about that as well. He doesn’t say things because society expects him to, and before he was imprisoned he seemingly just went wherever the wind blew. Nothing seems to have much meaning to him. I’m wondering if that’s the point of the book or if I’m missing something. Anyway, it was a good short read. Entertaining, just feel like I may have to re read eventually to really understand.

    by cmrizzle


    1. As another commenter said, if you read more Camus his philosophy will become clearer, but there’s an existential question at the center of it: is life meaningless? Yes, probably, but what do you do with that answer when the only certainty you have is death?

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