September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished reading “Paper Castles” by B. Fox after postponing buying it for a long time. In my country, the physical book takes about a month to be delivered when ordered from Amazon, and costs 4x the amount of the kindle version. I postponed buying it for almost a year and a half, hoping a cheaper (or hopefully free) version pops up somewhere else. When that didn’t happen, I just went ahead and purchased the Kindle version (although I prefer physical books at times).

    I mildly regret not buying and reading this earlier. (Spoilers ahead, I guess?) The main character is so relatable! Every one of us may not be in the same boat as him, but have experienced some aspect of his life, at some point in our own. I felt butterflies in my stomach during the times he spent conversing with Karen. I liked the pace and style of writing. Although I felt the ending wasn’t as satisfying as I hoped it would be, the book, as a whole, was very relatable and felt personal.

    I don’t know who B. Fox is, and couldn’t find much info about him, but if he continues to write more books like these, he assuredly has me as a buyer!

    by RaptorCaffeine

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