October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    looking for sprawling insane dreamlike/nightmarish mindbending novels and short story collections, bonus if they are dark and unsettling

    some of my favorite books and authors are

    gravity’s rainbow by thomas pynchon
    the trial by kafka
    finnegan’s wake by james joyce
    pale fire by nabokov
    borges’ short stories
    philip k dick’s VALIS and his other weirder stories

    i read house of leaves in high school and loved it, dont know if it would hold up for me now but it was cool.

    im attracted to the ideas in weird fiction like lovecraft, ligotti, and brian evenson but i often find the actual writing in it isnt so much to my tastes. if i could find some horror/weird fiction that partakes of a more experimental or (post)modernist writing style that would be great.

    my favorite film of all time is David Lynch’s Inland Empire, and id love to find some books that are like that film

    would also be cool to find more latin american or spanish language literature like this. i havent read cortázar yet but he seemsvlike he might be up my alley. i read bolaño’s 2666 and it was a nice read but not as weird/experimental as i was hoping for.

    by eshulegbara

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