October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to love reading romance novels. They were a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. Then life got in the way. I didn’t have a lot of free time and reading wasn’t something I prioritized.

    Well. When I was finally able to get back into reading, one of the firsts books I read was **Mila Gray**’s *Stay With Me*

    Here’s my review of it (I wasn’t on Goodreads when I read it 😅)

    > I read this in 2019. I can’t remember the exact details of why I hated, just that I hated it. Poorly written and extremely cliché. As someone who was in the military, I was looking forward to reading a military centered novel. However I was extremely let down. I’ve never wanted to puke and simultaneously throw a book out of a window more. Absolutely would not recommend. And no, I didn’t DNF it. I finished it in hopes that it would redeem itself but it never did. If I had it in me I would throw this book straight into the trash.

    Imagine my surprise when I went on Goodreads and saw that it had a 4.2 star rating!! 😱😱😱

    It wasn’t until recently that I realized that this book ruined the entire romance genre for me. And, honestly, just romance of any form in any book. 🙃

    by Responsible-Club-393

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