September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone!

    I need help please! I half read a book back in 2014 and ever since have been trying to find it again to finish reading it. I have parts of the story line in my head but any help would be great please!

    It was a fantasy book, only about 300 pages. It has a dark cover with a rough outline of a forrest and a girl shadow in the distance i think.

    It was based on a girl having a baby with her that had telekinesis powers and could move things with his mind and she meets these siblings along her journey and starts to fall in love with this young man. There is a part of the story where she climbs up a ladder and he is behind her climbing to watch the sunset. She was looking down apon by the other town members bc girls dont climb ladders. He goes with her on this journey when i think the baby was stolen bc of his powers, he was wanted. They follow the guys who took the baby and come to a cross road where they split up and he promises her a kiss when they meet up again. They get to the coast jetty too late and the baby and the guy is off but the twist is the baby was pushing the boat with his mind, like he wanted to go. The young man arrives as this is all happening.

    That is all i remember, please help me find the book!! Thankyou!!!

    by Exotic-Banana-791

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