October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Curious to see how people here approach reading multiple books at a time. Do you have a typical number of books on the go at a given time and do you try to split it up by genre or format?

    At a minimum I usually have 3 on the go: 1 fiction, 1 nonfiction, and 1 audiobook (fiction or nonfiction). But I’ve sometimes had as many as 5-6 which feels like spreading a bit too thin. Sometimes if I’m reading a book that is particularly challenging I like to have another that is easier to pick up on the fly. I like having books for any scenario, but I also need them to be different enough so as to not cause confusion.

    Not saying this is a right or wrong approach but I’m curious about what others do.

    by whhipson


    1. I can only read one book at a time, as my eyes generally point in the same direction and my brain can only process one stream of writing at any given moment.

    2. i usually have at least an audiobook and an ebook going. sometimes i’ll have a paper book too. sometimes more than one ebook. i will go something like: audiobook with my wife, short story collection ebook, novel ebook, sometimes a memoir or book of poetry.

      right now i’m reading a paper book my sister wanted me to read. eon. i just finished a grady hendrix audiobook that was awful. something about southern vampires. about to start a ghost stories megapack on my kindle. listening to throne of glass with my wife, from the library.

      not sure what else i wanna read atm. but that’s where i’ve been at the last couple of days. lol

    3. I can only do multiple books at a time if they’re all pretty different. I tend to get over-excited and end up trying to read like 7 books at a time and finishing none of them lol so I’ve been trying to limit myself lately tho.

    4. Chewyisthebest on

      I view audiobooks and reading books seperately. So I have a non-fiction audio book and then I read mainly sci-fi fantasy. So always two at a time. I’ve recently picked up a habit of switching books if one is slowing me down, I find I actually come back to the first more often, and it helps me to finish them sometimes. (of course if I have to DNF I have to DNF it happens)

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