September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Not sure if this is the right place for this really, but I have a question…is there anyone else who LOVES to read and just wants to spend all day doing it but hardly ever does because they can’t focus on it and just get distracted as hard as they try not to? I just spend all day longing to read but I never can because of that reason and everybody laughs at me for it and says it’s ridiculous…am I the only one? I do believe I have undiagnosed adhd so that would probably be part of why, but I hate it because I really do want to read and I hate the fact that I have such a hard time doing so, I read so much all my childhood and still love it but as I grew up it got harder and harder to focus, and there are a few other things like this too, does anyone have any tips on how to solve this problem?

    Also, I totally didn’t post this in r/reading without looking what the sub was about😂

    by Penguinvil

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