September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Reading the it, I felt a wave of cringe. The first few books are from Eva’s point of view, and honestly, she’s hard to like. Always full of herself and her own ideas of right and wrong. But the worst part? She’s a weak character, overly dramatic and often failing to live up to her own standards. She struck me as incredibly ungrateful.

    Then there are the sex scenes. I won’t delve into the absurdity of it all, but the word “angel” was enough for me to skip those pages. Gideon and Eva are so incompatible, it’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion. It’s a disaster. The first two books were bearable, but then it just got worse.

    The whole series could’ve been just one book. Book 4? That could’ve been a brief 5 page summary or, better yet, an email update. I’m curious to hear if others had a similar experience.

    by TheWomanInScarlet

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