September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Another banger from Rebecca, this book was so INFURIATING. I hated the narrator, and that’s because you’re supposed to. But it’s so irritating!!!!!!!!

    I want to know how everyone took this book. The narrator’s reality is, in my opinion, altered at best. Because what do you mean June was barely friends with Athena, when throughout the story we get flashbacks of them in college. After college, we know Athena gets a book deal of a lifetime, and combining it with June’s experience of touring and events to promote “her” book, there’s barely time to hang out. So OF COURSE, they’re going to meet quarterly as adults. I felt like Athena put so much trust into June and June with all her resentment never thought the same way about Athena.

    And that made me so mad. The narration is off the bat untrustworthy, and you see it more solidified that June is a bonafide bitch and a half when she sprinkles micro aggressions at the Asian people she meet.

    At the end of the book I had so much residual anger I had to take deep breaths and unclench my fists. No other author could give me such a visceral reaction and I LOVE RF Kuang for it. If she’s in this Reddit, I have a diamond ring and a knee that bends for you Ms. Kuang, do with it however you’d like to. ❤️

    by yaminbamin

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