September 2024
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    Happy new year! I’m not sure how to explain but please suggest me a book that draws parallels to our lives but isn’t necessarily about contemporary life.

    To try and be more specific, I read ‘Never Let Me Go’ by Kazuo Ishiguro and ‘I Who Have Never Known Men’ by Jacqueline Harpman in 2022 and I literally think about them every few weeks. The way the stories are tethered in some messed up parallel universe, or are an exaggerated familiar concept really had me thinking.

    The best way I can explain what I’m looking for is by describing what I liked about the above books. I hope the spoiler filter works but I’m on mobile so spoilers below!!

    In NLMG, >! the clones are unbothered by their fate and go on squabbling over petty issues is just an exaggerated idea of human life. We will all die one day, hopefully decades longer than the clones, but we’ll still die, so why bother with selfishness? !<

    Or in IWHNKM, >! the women are trapped in their cages, but when they are free, they’re ultimately trapped by their freedom. What does it mean to be free? In modern life, when we are trapped by modern problems like work and bills, is a life of complete, unrestricted freedom also a danger? !<

    Also if anyone could let me know what genre these books fall into, I would be very grateful.

    by banhxieo

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