October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I simply find it extremely exhausting to find books that are actually great reads. It’s truly been over a year since I’ve read a book that I can say I really enjoyed. And a major part, is that I’m stuck on Ya. Even though I’m still in that age range I find too many of it to be chesey unrealistic and immature, but despite that Ya has elements I’m simply not willing to part with.

    So yeah I’m just looking for a Fantasy/ Sci fi with a mature tone that’s preferably targeted towards guys or has a male max.

    by immovableair


    1. Mindless-Errors on

      The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner is the start of an amazing series. The main character ages through the series and so does the storytelling, from YA to more adult. The author drops foreshadowing clues you will totally miss the first time through the books and then be astonished when they payoff.

    2. The Dune series is, in my opinion, one of the best series ever written. It’s sort of YA, as the main character is a teenager at the start of the first book, and it could be described as a coming of age story. It combines themes of ecology, religion, politics, and revenge.

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