September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    You know the feeling – when a book is showered with praise, and everyone keeps talking about it, but for some reason, it just doesn’t click with you. Do you ever find yourself feeling guilty or frustrated for not enjoying a hyped-up book?
    Sometimes, I ponder whether something is wrong with me because, regardless of the genre, most hyped books simply don’t resonate with me. It’s led me to the point where I’ve consciously stepped back from diving into new hyped releases. Instead, I’ve started adding them to my ‘maybe’ shelf, a place where I revisit them when the hype has settled. It’s like having a cautious rendezvous with these books, allowing time and personal readiness to dictate when and if I’ll pick them up. Do you have a similar approach, or do you dive headfirst into the latest literary sensations, despite the risk of not enjoying them?

    by MadMaxine666

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