September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey! I was recently thinking about one of my favorite books of all time, Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl, and was wishing that I knew of more fiction that puts a Queer/Genderqueer lens on the trope of shapeshifting.

    To elaborate, what I mean is fiction that has the trope of shapeshifting, with a character(s) being able to transform their appearance, and using that to explicitly play with gender and gender presentation. In Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl, Paul is a gay genderqueer 20-something college student, but with the ability to shapeshift and change his appearance. Like many Queer 20-somethings, he uses this to cruise as several different identities, genders, and parts. I feel that often shapeshifting in media often hints at the gendered component of it, but rarely is explicit about how a Trans/Genderqueer individual might utilize that ability for gender affirming reasons.

    If anyone knows of any books that you feel fits the bill, please let me know! Let me know if you have any questions :3

    by NetflixesTallGirl

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