September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My grandmother recently informed me that she is really looking forward to the book I got her for her birthday, and that it will be the first time she has read a book by a Black author. She is in her late seventies and has read a lot of books, so this revelation shocked me. I genuinely don’t think it’s something she has avoided, more that it’s not something she ever sought out or thought about. It makes me sad as she has missed out on so many amazing books, authors, and experiences different from her own. Needless to say, I’m making the diversification of her book collection a goal of mine.

    What are some reading revelations that have been made to you by friends or family? Or strangers, for that matter.

    Also, the book is The House of Eve by Sadeqa Johnson, one of my very favourites of the year.

    by peanutpeanutboy

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