October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Currently a college student. I want some change in my life. I want to be more adventurous and learn more about life in general. I don’t want something that teaches me, I want something that encourages me to do better for myself. Some romance, some life lesson book. Okay to be honest, I don’t really know what specifically to look for. Just something that will keep me reading and keep me intrigued. Whatever someone suggests I’ll read it.

    Also I don’t want a young adult novel like something like maze runner (idk much about books) but something more lowkey and more adult like and mature. A respectable read please. Something that will CHANGE my life. Thank you a lot!!:)

    by ifeelnum


    1. His dark materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman

      It dives into alot of deep topics, like what makes a person human, religion, death, the purpose of living, parallel universes, science

      It really helped me get over my fear of death

    2. ‘Change your life’? That’s quite a responsibility to hand to a Redditor!

      All books will change you to some extent. One book that had an impact on me at your age was One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Marquez – but it is quite a ‘heavy’ read.

      Lighter: I agree with another Redditor, Vonnegut is ace for the pioneer reader. Try Cat’s Cradle. It’s still full of very deep and provocative ideas.

    3. Short_Koala_1156 on

      To Kill A Mockingbird is an excellent book full of lessons, and the writing style is simple and straightforward. There’s a reason this book is still so popular and controversial. I think you’ll find a few lessons that really hit home in today’s society.

    4. I am curious as to how you got all the way to college but have never read a book.

      Try something by Jon Krakauer, definitely some adventure in those.

    5. Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds. It’s a novel-in-verse, which is partly why I recommend it. There are less words on the pages to make the reading feel easier, which might be important if you don’t have any reading stamina.

      Also, it’s an amazing book about family loyalty, revenge, and the cycle of violence. Super powerful and beautifully written.

    6. Fantasy:

      [His dark materials trilogy ](https://www.goodreads.com/series/44427-his-dark-materials)

      Dystopian future:


      WW2 historical:

      [the puppet boy of Warsaw ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17202380-the-puppet-boy-of-warsaw?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_14)

      Science/ non fiction:

      [the demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17349.The_Demon_Haunted_World?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_18)


      [The blind watchmaker ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/117047.The_Blind_Watchmaker?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_15)


      [mans search for meaning ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4069.Man_s_Search_for_Meaning?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_16)

      Mythology fiction:

      [The sword of summer (Magnus chase series)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15724396-the-sword-of-summer?from_search=true&from_srp=tadx9wHpK6&qid=1)

      In terms of “changing your life”, I would highly suggest the non fiction and psychology options above.

    7. “[The Goblin Emperor](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17910048-the-goblin-emperor?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=rvolw9zBv8&rank=1)” by Katherine Addison. The unloved fourth son of an Emperor is thrust onto the throne after his father and brothers die in an accident. It’s a book where people turn out to be better than the main characters expects, and things work out after all. It’s my comfort read, with complex emotional content and lots of complicated Court wrangling.

    8. Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt is wonderful. Has just enough of a smidge of romance, but without it being cheesy or taking over the story. Has a lot of resilience and overcoming adversity from multiple characters.. AND one of my favourite literary characters, Marcellus the Octopus.

    9. Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

      It’s a book I think everyone should read at some point because of how impactful it can be. It’s also only around 100 pages long so you could read it in a day or two.

    10. What do you mean you’ve never read a book? You’re in college so I’m guessing you had assigned reading in high school? Man are the standards for college really this low now that anyone can get in if they look a certain way?

    11. Spiritual_Signal2549 on

      The silent patient, The maidens. Great books to start with. Psychological thriller genre, page turner. Also The Maze Runner is a Sci-Fi lol

    12. For purpose of life etc, read the Quran.

      For sci-fi novels read Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson (it’s not the usual sci-fi, it’s a masterpiece with a combination of the medieval and futuristic theme)

      Then there’s Joe Abercrombie’s series.

      Prince of Thorns series.

      Then GOT.

      All of the above are for mature audience.

      For other non-fictions I don’t know much about what you like, so I’ll just list some “books for beginners” on different subjects:

      Sophie’s World for philosophy

      Introduction to formal logic by Peter Smith

      The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan

    13. Common-Tennis-1143 on

      The alchemist is a great entry

      A man called ove is amazing also

      My favorite is 451 Fahrenheit

    14. I don’t know if you’re a man or woman or something in-between but I highly suggest Snowflower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. It’s such a good book in my opinion.

    15. Call of the Wild by Jack London. It’s short, so not a big time investment, well written and packed with philosophical metaphors.

    16. The only way to find the book that changes your life is to try a bunch. And the way to get there is is to learn to enjoy reading.

      So … what kind of other media do you enjoy? Movies? TV? Graphic novels? What genre are they? What tropes or themes do you like in those areas? And what do you dislike or avoid? Give yourself the best chance of enjoying what you’re reading and you’ll be more likely to continue along that path.

      Personally, my favorite authors are Ursula K. LeGuin, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman. No bad options in that group. I also recommend The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle to everyone. But my list of favorites skews heavily towards fantasy/sci-fi, so if you don’t like that then you may prefer other options.

    17. _Microwave_Toast on

      12 Rules for Life by Jordan Paterson. It’s what got me into reading and inspired me to turn my life around this summer.

      Since reading I transferred schools, lost 20 lbs, and have a different outlook on life. I’ve read six more books since and I didn’t consider myself a reader before Peterson’s book. This is just my story, but if you’re looking for a transformative book, this might be it.

    18. Blood Brothers: Born of the Blood is a simple read. Doesn’t use big words or has a wild and complicated journey. It’s a good read for beginners who like historical fiction about vampires and werewolves that isn’t erotica.

    19. I recommend anything by Phillip K. Dick.
      The Shing by Stephen King
      Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank
      1984 by George Orwell
      Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

    20. Wait, what?!

      Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy hands down. If it has to be one. Although I have read 200 books since January though so I could recommend many. It really depends on you. If you want sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, horror or romance combined with any of the other genres. My all time favorite is Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy though.

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