\[Spoilers\] I…it’s hard to describe my thoughts about this book. I think it helped that had already read Wade H. Garrett books before this, but this was a close second with gore. That being said the blurb saying it’s jaw-droppingly absurd at points is an understatement. This does check a couple boxes for me.
Worst villain is definitely the Mother and definitely most physically and emotionally disgusting human being.
I can say that this also has the most bizarre twist ending. >!Living with the sewer cows as their God king!< was not expected
Kudos to the author (rest in peace) for some of the most unlikable characters. I felt bad for the protagonist because >!he was obviously messed up from his abuse!<, but that only goes so far. If one character is pitiable it’s Lucy and that’s because >!she is so messed up by her mental illness and is just destroyed by the protagonist.!<
I can see why people recommend avoiding it, it is very gory and depicts slaughterhouse workers mistreating cattle. There were scenes though that were so out of left field I audibly wtf’ed. Then there were scenes that were like a car crash, you wanna close the book, but it’s so bad you have to see how much worse it gets.
Overall, I’d give the book a 4 out of 10. It’d be garbage if it wasn’t aware of what it was and leaned into it.
What do you folks think?
by MrPuzzleMan