October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished The Library at Mount Char. While I really liked the overall story and the world building, the characters seemed overall poorly written. Most of them were flat, and their backstory was just ribbons, so to speak. Their reactions often made no sense. For example…

    >!Erwin has PTSD. This PTSD does not matter. It is only ever brought up aesthetically. When he sees David kill all those cops at the station, he is briefly reminded of being in Afghanistan, but that’s about it. He’s not even angry at David, or sad about the cops, or anyone else dead there. When he sees David kill all the cops and Delta force at the house though, then he gets angry. But when he is told by Carolyn that she actually orchestrated the entire thing as part of an elaborate revenge plot he just doesn’t care. And then when she downs the 2 helicopters, again, he doesn’t care. He even takes a job from her in the epilogue! Also, the fact that Carolyn is thankful to Father at the end and then just does the same thing he did is insane to me. How could you set this up to where she has the power to fix things (also she never uses the Black catalog for some reason) and do things a new way but just… doesn’t.!<

    While I was reading the book, I enjoyed it, but as soon as I was finished I disliked it. Have any of you had a similar experience?

    by answeryboi

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