October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This book is one of the first tales of Merlin and Artù, and is a book about the entire History of Britan. The the shameless contradiction between the fact that this book claims to be historical and the fact that it is more fake than any fantasy makes you laugh out loud. It’s as if someone passed off The Lord of the Rings as documented history. the premise is absurd: the book wants to demonstrate the Trojan origins of the Britons, and is thus configured as a spin off of Virgil’s Aeneid, but it claims to be a true event. Aeneas’ nephew (the same as the Aeneid) takes a long journey from Lazio to reach England, inhabited by giants were also defeated by the Trojans, thus founding the British people. realistic right? as you would expect from a history book. Wizard Merlin creates Stonehenge, which in this “historical” book comes from Irish stones brought there by giants from Africa. the African giants are the true inhabitants of Ireland rotfl. Too bad that Stongenge is 1000/2000 years older than the wizard Merlin. later King Arthur conquers Rome (???) after having conquered the whole of Gaul, after having defeated King Leo, who in the real world had been dead for 100 years, and has never owned a single centimeter of France. last icing on the cake, Merlin’s prophecies, which speak of London being burned, and from the ashes swans are born capable of swimming on the earth and which are transformed into underwater lynxes that sink ships to raid silver. This book is really fun, read it. it is crazier than than Sharknado

    by StormAntares

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