September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys

    For context, my [F29] fiancé [M29] is an introvert and I thought I was too, however it turns out I was just depressed and have beaten my depression in Jan 2023, so I’ve been seeing way more extroversion appear in myself.

    He is brilliant man, emotionally intelligent, sensitive and loving but he is also very avoidant, anxious is prone to carrying this dark cloud over him most of the time which brings my spirits down a lot and I can’t seem to get him out of his head.

    I’m very free spirited and spontaneous and that scares the shit of of him sometimes, I get it. I’m not stupid and risky though.

    He told me that he’s secretly scared of everything and doesn’t understand how I am so assertive and confident and Fearless about life, I said that no one starts off like that and I too have low as shit moments that he doesn’t see because I hide it. He can talk to people, but is scared of social interactions and constantly running a THREAD of what if scenarios through his head whilst out. He can’t be present.

    He said he needs Assertiveness Training to help him learn how to stand up and use his voice for when it counts instead of remaining quiet when things go south.

    I want to help him. How can I help him to not be scared of everything? Any way I can be better.

    ALL Book recommendations welcomed!

    Thank you😊

    by Chained_Escapist

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