September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just got back into reading this year. 19 books so far! and a few have really left a mark on me. would love to find more. Any books like these that y’all can recommend?

    1. red rising series – tons of action, character development, and so many emotions. despair, victory, fear, disgust, anxiety, etc
    2. Recursion – made me think a lot about the past, life, love.and the role memory plays.
    3. project hail memory – not a lot of feels here, but it was a fun thriller. fell in love with one of the characters (not the protagonist)
    4. dark matter – Main plot def makes you think about the choices you make and their impact. also a fun thriller.
    5. old man’s war – didn’t like it as much as the books above, but it was fun and light.

    books that underwhelmed me
    1. Hyperion – found it boring, sorry.
    2. foundation – also pretty dry.
    3. poppy war – limited character development
    4. three body problem – interesting premise, characters and themes didn’t speak to me.

    by penguinoid


    1. Paramedic229635 on

      The Ender Series. The best book for making you think in the series is the second book Speaker for the Dead.

    2. Tamora Pierce and Robin Hobb both have a way of writing emotion that tugs at my heartstrings.

    3. {{The Martian by Andy Weir}} and I also definitely recommend the {{Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card}} series another person commented.

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