September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    There are a lot of posts singing the praises of audiobooks or defending them. I love the idea of them and I think audio storytelling is a great way to absorb a book. I don’t think audiobooks are “cheating.” They’re great if they work for you. I read my favorite book via audiobook.

    But for the most part, I struggle with them. A phrase that reads as poetic in my mind can feel somehow purple when read out loud. There are more reasons why they don’t work for me, but I want to hear why they don’t work for you.

    Let this be a post where we can honestly and without fear of judgement share why we just don’t like them. Also…it’s your right to believe audiobooks are “cheating” if you do. I am not here to judge. I’m interested in your opinion.

    by conservativeangel

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