September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been a really big slump lately. I really miss getting absorbed in a good book. My most recent favorite works have been the short stories by Ted Chiang. People often recommend Ken Liu and I also liked his works. Here are a bunch of books and authors that I’ve enjoyed in the past:

    Works by Kurt Vonnegut

    Flowers for Algernon

    Asimov’s Robot Series

    Octavia Butler

    Freedom by Jonathan Franzen (although I’m not sure I’m in the right mood for another of his right now)

    Jack London

    Travels with Charley and Cannery Row

    I was on a pretty heavy Science Fiction kick for awhile, but I’ve been having a hard time finding new stuff to really grab my attention. Open to more SF, or realism too.

    by percforever


    1. I’ve noticed that sometimes the right book has to find me in the right place. That was Piranesi for me. I tried it a while back and put it down. Tried it again a few weeks ago and loved it.

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