September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For those who don’t know, Black Mirror is a sci-fi thriller/drama anthology TV series where technology or societal values play a huge role in the eps.

    The tech concept of the episode San Junipero is how the main characters are visiting **a virtual reality space where old people & dead people can live in as their young selves.** Old people will usually visit the place until they decide if they want to stay there for good when it’s their time to die irl or just die irl.

    I’m open to the book having similar themes and philosophical messages of what it really means to live in virtually after death, if that conscious is really you or a copy, what gives life value, and second chances.

    3rd person preferably! Black mirror vibes of course. Preferably a more personal story than something big scaled.

    by whatthe_oklmao


    1. samantha-mulder on

      I think about San Junipero all the time. Don’t have a rec but glad someone else thinks about it lol

    2. Adding literally nothing to the discourse but I never got the hype with that episode. Shut up and dance left me shook for a week though.

    3. There’s elements of this in the book How High We go in The Dark by Seqouia Nagamatsu. Not necessarily this exact tech but similar themes of how tech could influence death and dying.

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