September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone

    At this time I’m getting very passionate about the idea of reading a book, but the biggest problem is that I have no idea where to start… it’s the first time I’ve approached the world of books and I don’t even know what kind of books I like… I’ve seen the movie of “The Great Gataby” and I have to say that it’s one of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen… are there any books that have this style?

    Sorry for the ignorance

    by AsianHalfShark


    1. Start with YA (Young adults) books

      Things like Harry Potter are a great read and easy to get in to

      Mistborn saga is also real easy to rea

      And project Hail Mary has been widely praised this year as one of THE best sci Fi books. For me it definitely made it to the top 10

    2. Own_Newspaper5457 on

      If you like period drama series maybe try something of Jane Austen (I’d pitch for Emma)
      Crime- The Strike Series (if you get hooked, you will already know what you will read next)
      Short stories- Fifty Two stories of Chekhov
      Dark Academia- The Secret History
      If you just want some nice vibes, no clear genre, book about books, love, curses, The Cemetery of Forgotten Books from Carlos Ruiz Zafón

      You will love many books, dislike a lot more, dnf plenty. It is a looong trial and error path that never ends and you should not be discouraged. If you love smut, go for it, if you get bored, abandon the book. Reading is a pleasure and never should feel like a burden.

      Good to have you onboard 🙂

    3. EvergreenHavok on

      If you spent ~10 hours with something, how would you want to feel at the end?

      What kind of language (simple, fancy, old timey, modern, etc.) do you like? What do you read online or watch now?

      I’d hesitate to rec The Great Gatsby, but that’s an option.

      Based off of liking the look and wanting something ostentatious, you might enjoy the Hunger Games- the first one’s a quick read and can be a standalone.

      If you want to read about rich people, Trust by Hernan Diaz is really interesting and written in 4 different styles, so it’s kind of a sampler platter.

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