October 2024
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    Please suggest to me a book in which characters are extremely ruthless to take care of their own, maybe in a dystopian type setting, please!

    Edit: Thank you all so much! These are great recs.:)

    by Possible_Comfort4792


    1. * The Passage by Cronin. Think the movie “I’m Legend” mixed with the Resident Evil movies.

      * The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin. Extremely ruthless characters: check. Dystopian type setting: check. Society enslaves people born with “magical” abilities so the most powerful of them ends the world in retaliation by causing a cataclysm right under the largest city in the world, instantly killing millions. The world is in flames and the survivors will do anything to stay alive.

    2. Most of John Christopher’s books fit this pattern, particularly “The Death of Grass” (about a worldwide grain shortage) and “The Long Winter” (the UK is hit by polar blasts of cold).

      Civilization is routinely brought to its knees in chapter 1 and then things get worse 🤗

    3. DontHogMyHedge on

      The Raven’s Gift by Don Reardon. A post apocalyptic survival story set in bush Alaska: a man and a blind girl, the only two survivors from their village, are trying to get to town to find help. The author grew up in Bethel and draws on historical accounts of the Spanish Flu among the Yupik people for an uncomfortably realistic idea of what pandemic that kills 95% of the population actually looks like. It’s like The Road if the biology made sense and the characters we more developed.

    4. BrokilonDryad on

      The Fifth Season

      The Diamond Age

      The Traitor Baru Cormorant

      The Poppy War (last half of book is very graphic based on rape of Nanking etc)

    5. NefariousnessIcy3430 on

      I once googled this and found a few books the creators of the game allegedly took inspiration from:

      – Earth Abides
      – City of Thieves
      – The Road
      – The World Without Us
      – The Girl With All The Gifts

      There are probably more but these are the ones I wrote down

    6. iamthedanger1985 on

      Post apocalyptic is my favorite genre to read. Here are the ones I enjoyed:

      Passage Trilogy- Cronin

      Wayward Pined trilogy- Crouch

      I am Legend- Matheson

      World War Z- Brooks

      Alas Babylon- Frank

      Blindness- Saramago

      And of course the masterpiece The Stand by Stephen King.

      People are recommending Swan Song. It’s good but the ending with the masks is cringe and ruined the whole thing for me.

    7. I read “Run” by Blake Crouch shortly after finishing TLOU. I tried to imagine the father as Pedro Pascal to scratch the itch…

    8. The Vagrant trilogy – Peter Newman

      It’s post apocalyptic set in a sort of fantasy world with the baddies as a type of corrupting demons with a hive mind. The vagrant himself carries the one sword that can truly cut down the demons and is traveling to find those capable of properly wielding it. I think there are parallels to the Last of Us but not sure if this is close enough to it.

    9. Between Two Fires by Christopher Buelhman!

      It takes place in 14th century France during the Black Death pandemic and the two main characters are a grizzled/disgraced knight and a more optimistic/innocent adolescent girl (I forget her age probably around 11 to 14). The story is sort of an escort mission and their dynamic is absolutely the highlight of the story. Filled to the brim with horror and supernatural elements, with the whole plague essentially just being Lucifer’s way of getting to God.

      One of the best things I’ve read this year—highly recommend!

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