October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I don’t mean series that have stand alone novels with the same characters, but ongoing stories that keep expanding into the world with continuing plotlines.

    I personally can’t do it anymore. Game of Thrones and Kingkiller Chronicles (By George R. R. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss) have killed the ability to enjoy them.

    I think both of my examples were fantastic authors, but in both cases, it has been YEARS since progress. In both of my examples, it has been literally TWELVE YEARS since the latest book in the saga came out.

    So nowadays, no matter how good a review a book gets, if the series isn’t finished, I don’t want to start it. Both because I don’t want to wait that long, but also, if it’s been that long, I’m probably going to have to reread the books anyway to remember what I have forgotten.

    What about you? How do you feel about unfinished series?

    by PhoenixApok


    1. CrazyCatLady108 on

      nope. i have a special shelf on my TBR for completed series and books go on there when the last book is less than a month away from release.

      the only unfinished series i read are by authors who have a good track record of releasing books on time (Abercrombie, Wells, Tchaikovsky, etc) but even then i will hold off so there is not too much time between books that i forget who is who.

      to shill a bit for a site BookHype.com has a section for recently completed series. i utilize it quite often to find new reads from completed series.

    2. nancy-reisswolf on

      I tend to read the first one and then stop until the series is finished. At least unless I know the author is capable of telling a decently self-contained story.

    3. GarbagePailKid90 on

      Yes because I don’t tend to read series books back to back so it doesn’t bother me if I have to wait or even if I never get to read the last book in the series. I’ve read and really enjoyed a few books that the series never got finished for and I’m still really glad I read them.

      Also reading the first books in a new series is a good way for the publishers to see that there is interest in the series and to actually publish the next books. I’ve seen some authors talk about how their series never got continued due to low levels of interest in the first or second books.

    4. Fail-Inevitable on

      Same. Exactly same. Now everytime I start a new series, I first check if it’s a completed one and all its books are available. If not, I just write it down in my tbr list and search for a new series that’s complete.

    5. Yes i’m currently wating of 4 series to be finished, and reading complete series in between and one series i follow just finished this year, i love comming on reddit and talking about the and making theorys and stuff

    6. InvisibleSpaceVamp on

      I try not to, but this would rule out so many books I’m interested in. Also, there are authors who are more “trustworthy” when it comes to consistency. Like, I don’t see Sanderson not continuing a series unless something really bad happens to him.

    7. I’m currently waiting a little over 3 years for book 18 in a planned 23 book series.

      I may not remember details from early books, but I could give you a summary of each.

      I know exactly where the plot is hanging, and I’m very much anticipating the next one.

    8. So, just so you know, not reading unfinished series is a good way to make sure the final books in the series don’t get published at all. Book series can get cancelled just like TV shows can. Tbh it’s a shame that Rothfuss has ruined fantasy series for other authors and readers.

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