September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m intimidated by original nonfiction works. There’s a list of r/CriticalTheory theorists I’d love to read but am scared.

    Selective reading sounds like what I need to learn: read the beginning and conclusion of each chapter, and you’ll get the idea

    I know: “just pick a book from a theorist you like and do that”

    But I was just wondering if by any chance you know any book that maybe by the way it is structured it makes getting into selective reading easier

    by gate18

    1 Comment

    1. I think “The Sum of Us” by Heather McGhee is worth investigating. It covers a broad range of domains/topics related to race in the US, and there are plenty of resources and discussions online that might make it more digestible.

      “Out the Wreckage” by George Monbiot is another potential starting point, in that it lays out the neoliberal narrative and tries to offer a counter to it.

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