October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Stayed up to 4 am yesterday finishing Flowers for Algernon and I think I’m gonna have to go back to therapy, that book was amazing.

    Basically I want to read some of the “Classics” but I am so ignorant I don’t even know what the “Classics” are.

    I’m imagining The Oddysey, The Illiad, Shakespeare, Alighieri and Moby Dick but don’t know what else. (Or if those are actually good)

    For all intents and purposes, recommend me as if I have never read anything.

    TL:DR; What are some MUST READ’s?

    by Aromatic-Heat2463


    1. Watch out, man. That Moby Dick ain’t no joke. Dude goes on and on about whale physiology and shit for like entire chapters.

    2. Beowulf, Tale of Two Cities, Count of Monte Cristo, The Hobbit, Dracula, Dubliners, Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, Paradise Lost, Frankenstein, Aurelius’s Meditations, Plato’s The Cave, Machiavelli’s The Prince, Sun Tzu’s Art of War

    3. Wuthering Heights

      A Tale of Two Cities

      All Quiet on the Western Front


      A Farewell to Arms

      Heart of Darkness

      The Picture of Dorian Gray

    4. Shakespeare is a decent start as far as being accessible. You might also like some of the short stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne. There’s also Poe, if you’re into spooky business.

      That said, don’t feel like you “have” to start with “the classics.”

    5. TheInsaneSnake on


      To Kill A Mockingbird

      A Christmas Carol

      Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

      Oliver Twist

      The Old Man and the Sea

      The Time Machine

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