September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey, I’m working on a video essay right now about Stephen Kings “The breathing method” which talks a lot about the general societal shittiness of being a single mother in the 1920s and I’m looking for essays or non fiction books about this topic or the general societal expectations of pregnancy but I don’t know where to start, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    by Gene_freeman


    1. iconic_ironic_trash on

      I don’t have anything specific in mind but take a look at the poor law from the Victorian era. Lots of parishes in the U.K. refused to help single mothers if they had given birth outside of marriage.

    2. Try Married Love by Marie Stopes. It was THE book about sex, pregnancy and contraception in Britain in the early 20th century. That can give you a good background knowledge of what was common knowledge.

      Also try the Irish government’s report into the unmarried mother’s homes.

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