October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi folks, I suffered a severe concussion 2 years ago and am being treated for persistent post-concussive syndrome. I stopped reading for a long while due to migraines/cognitive energy drain/memory lapses. I am trying to get to the point where I associate reading as a fun and rewarding activity and not one that is frustrating or shame-inducing.

    I’m specifically looking for books that are **short, digestible, and have a good payoff/happy ending** (no hate to long dense books with sad endings, they’re not what I need right now). I’m okay with series recs but the first book should be enjoyable as a standalone, since committing to a full series is a little daunting right now. **Please do not suggest short story collections/anthologies**\– I totally understand why one would recommend them for my situation but that’s not what I’m looking for/not the cognitive muscle I’m trying to stretch.

    I’m 27f and enjoy fantasy, some scifi (not super big on space travel or robots), queer stories, and fairy tales. My favorite books are The Locked Tomb series, Spinning Silver, and This Is How You Lose The Time War (all read pre-concussion or via audiobook so they don’t necessarily fit the above criteria). I’m happy to see recs for other genres as well if you really loved the book.

    by myrrhemaid


    1. Hmm Becky chambers? Monk and robot series is a bit different than usual robot stuff to me (tho not my main genre) and the two are novellas so not too long.

    2. Have you ever read Nicolas sparks? Very light reads and some of the classics like the notebook are short. I find that romance novels take the least amount of thinking.

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