September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. [The Man From Earth](
      A history professor suddenly quits and starts preparing to move away. His colleagues descend on his home to try to convince him to stay; or at least let them say goodbye and explain why he’s leaving. He makes the bizarre claim that he’s thousands of years old – for some reason having reached his mid-30s by his reckoning, he just stopped aging. To avoid drawing attention to himself, he finds he needs to relocate every ten years or so. His academic friends with their expertise in various fields try to pick apart his claims as if he’s playing a joke on them. This was originally a play – it all takes place in one location with a small cast of characters; and was made into a popular low-budget film of the same name in the ’00s.

    2. There is a large element of this in Octavia Buter’s “Wildseed” series. It’s initially about a pair of immortals and their relationship with humans and eachother, but it evolves from there.

      “Centuries Ago and Very Fast” by Rebecca Ore is about a guy born in the ice age who just . . . doesn’t die, and how he copes with that.

    3. Circe – Madeline Miller
      It is the perfect fit, very beautifully written, about a goddess who struggles with immortality. Best character development i have ever experienced in a book

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