September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i’ll go first, Archers Voice.

    The whole book is full of raw emotions and the real feelings of how dealing with trauma is.

    It also shows you can do anything you put your mind to if you really wanted to.

    It shows that two people with a horrible history can still work something out one way or another.

    It shows not to take little things for granted.

    it shows so much more but i don’t wanna say too much for people who havnt read it.

    by shawtykie05


    1. The Stonor Eagles by William Horwood.

      I’ve never understood how this book has been so overlooked. It’s three intertwined stories, the story of a sculptor who is commissioned to create his masterwork, a series of sculptures of eagles to be placed on cliffs in the UK and Scandanavia; the story of his father’s traumatic experience in WWI and after; and the story the sculptor imagines, which is the story of the last great sea eagle of Skye, who goes north on a quest to find the ancient Raven of Storr and discover why her people have been driven to extinction.

      Yes, the eagle talks. Think Watership Down with eagles. Just as powerful and engaging, but intertwined with two amazing human stories about obsession, alienation and redemption.

      And yet no one I’ve ever met has read it…

    2. Seductive_Bagel on

      Cold Moon Over Babylon by Michael McDowell. An incredible work of southern gothic horror.

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