September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve read “The Steelheart”, I’ve read “The Boys”, and while I’ve always liked normal superhero stories with supes saving the day, I found myself craving now more stories of ordinary people standing up for themselves.
    Superhero genre reached mainstream loong time ago and is becoming more and more tired. It also seems that people no longer see supers as metaphor of personal struggle or extraordinary person serving society but rather manifestation of new powers that be; milionares, politicians, celebrities and others who not only can’t really relate with, but often couldn’t care less about ordinary human. My only problem with aforementioned works was that in the end humans make new superhumans to fight old superhumans instead of fighting them through well organised, cunning plans, solidarity and cooperation. That’s also why I thought about looking for a book rather than comic; it seems to be better medium for stories about long, meticulously planned and precisely executed operations in place of showy fistfights and tossing glowing orbs.

    by Mjollnir5


    1. Dizzy-Lead2606 on

      I’m not sure it directly meets your ask, but based on what you’re saying you enjoy I think you’d like Vicious by VE Schwab.

    2. Gryptype_Thynne123 on

      Try ‘Hench’ by Natalie Zina Walschots. Again, not quite what you’re looking for, but still very much from the perspective of an ordinary human dealing with supers.

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