October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey y’all!! I’ve been going through a rough patch for some time now and would Iove any recommendations for books that changed your perspective on life. Frankly, I haven’t felt like myself over the last year or so and as a result I’ve lost a lot of confidence and my purpose in life. Any and all recommendations would be great 🙂

    by disneydoc1


    1. ReddisaurusRex on

      Anything by Brene Brown. Start with Daring Greatly, Rising Strong (my personal fave), or Gifts of Imperfection

    2. knittedkittenne on

      Self Compassion by Kristen Neff. Completely changed how I view myself and how I respond when things go wrong

    3. Spark Joy by Marie Kondo. It’s about tidying and organising but has some good ideas along the way (and is obviously a huge help practically). Best suited to people who are maybe a little bit spiritual-minded.
      It’s a big project initially but Since I bought this book my house has never been unorganised again despite having moved house multiple times since, and daily tidying up takes 10 minutes if that.

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